Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Stone Stuck In Urethrhra

VICE (Abdullah Ghubn)

reviews and DALYs: "Rondon NOT SOLD"

Ghubn Abdullah has reviewed today in the Canal Sur Radio microphones. The vice president has been "happy" about the momentum of the team and praised the work of players and coaching staff: "The success, a hundred per cent, is among the players and coach. I am responsible for errors, but success is theirs. " Ghubn did not want to miss the passion that once again put the stands in the Rose Garden: "The loyalty of the fans is what has surprised me most. I always want to hear in the Rose Garden on Málaga going."
trusted man of Sheikh Al-Thani also believes raw succulent that has promised the staff have been a special incentive for the staff: "The premiums are on all computers and what they are doing to win the team are not raw, but the players have confidence." Ghubn effect? \u200b\u200bThere is no magic and no Harry Potter, but a team ready and psyched to win games. "

Ghubn has also confessed to purchasing policy will not change. And throws a warning to those who follow Rondon: "We have in our plans to be a selling club. Rondón not sold, to forget all the world to come after him." He would not delve into the subject of the new stadium and has chosen to focus attention on the permanence: "Now we do not want anything distract attention from the goal is salvation. We have the Rose Garden. There are priorities because right now the most important thing is the team. My most exciting project is the Academy. start building soon and will be located in the municipality of Malaga. "
Vice discutidísima also reviewed the work of the manager, Antonio Fernández: "Is the person able to bring sports management. It's who is looking for players, but then there are others in the club who have the last word. I am very happy with the players who have come in winter. "
addition, he referred to his relationship with Fernando Sanz, who does not maintain any long treatment: "In the past I had a good relationship with Fernando Sanz and now there is not that fluent, but he is with his family very happy in Madrid. He is a former chairman of Manchester and therefore, a very respectable, as any of the other former presidents. Some of these are in contact with us because they want to Malaga and offered to help. "
Finally, Ghubn made reference to alleged defaults that hit the club: "Earlier this season he had planned a budget and the changes we need to balance it, but no financial problems whatsoever."

Source: Canal Sur Radio


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