The Meteorological Agency in his prediction for Sunday November 8, 2009 storm warning was in the area west of Melilla with winds of force 5 to 6 beginning and raging up 6 to 7, meaning a wind speed of about 35 knots, although it has certainly exceeded regristado gusts to 40 knots.
Melilla is located on the eastern side of the peninsula of Tres Forcas, westerly winds rarely trees much sea, but because today the wind was lying to the north, giving more travel to the sea form waves, the situation is complicated somewhat sea. In the above forecast was given a rough sea rough seas in the waters of our city.
Where the wind has been felt strongly was in the beach area and Piazza San Lorenzo.
This strong wind has knocked down some of the trees in the square San Lorenzo
To protect other young trees has been resorted to quite rudimentary but that seems to have worked.
As shown in the picture the system in question does not appear to have been made in a cabinet of Research & Development & Innovation, what they call R & D + I and it is supposed to get us out of the economic crisis.
Where the wind has been felt strongly was in the beach area and Piazza San Lorenzo.
This strong wind has knocked down some of the trees in the square San Lorenzo
To protect other young trees has been resorted to quite rudimentary but that seems to have worked.
As shown in the picture the system in question does not appear to have been made in a cabinet of Research & Development & Innovation, what they call R & D + I and it is supposed to get us out of the economic crisis.
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