The Golden River mouth has different ways based on factors such as time of year, storm water flood, the prevailing winds, the storms from the east or west, and human action as the discharge of sand intended summers ago outmaneuver the nature covering the mouth of the river to extend the length of the beach .
Saturday, December 26, 2009
Retirement Homes Volunteer Portland
The Golden River mouth has different ways based on factors such as time of year, storm water flood, the prevailing winds, the storms from the east or west, and human action as the discharge of sand intended summers ago outmaneuver the nature covering the mouth of the river to extend the length of the beach .
These days it has formed a sandbar has blinded the traditional mouth of the river while a few hundred feet north opened a drain that shown in the picture.
The Golden River mouth has different ways based on factors such as time of year, storm water flood, the prevailing winds, the storms from the east or west, and human action as the discharge of sand intended summers ago outmaneuver the nature covering the mouth of the river to extend the length of the beach .
Wednesday, December 23, 2009
Paying Deductible Twice
The state is hypocritical when he says that public health is quality (that is), while their workers have a private mutual. It is also hypocritical liberal politician who says that immigration contributes only benefits and lives in the Barrio de Salamanca or in Sarrià.
Anyone who says a communist and Armani dresses is also hypocritical, as is the Social Democrat who says he is the head of an autonomous government, defends the educational system that directs and takes her children to private school. It is also hypocritical to say that you left and take a liberal view of education.
However, it is hypocritical to be president of a government, be social and take your daughters to a public school. Nor is it hypocritical to be a minister of a government, be social, and that your daughter also born in a public hospital. Being a lefty is not easy. Be a hypocrite, yes.
Yes, if Ignacio Runner but he is right
Monday, December 21, 2009
Jenna Jameson Boat Blo
The body of a man Saharan possibly illegally attempting to enter our city has come Aguadú Area. A victim of a situation that will not seem to have an end in the near future given the indifference of the developed world, immersed in their own economic and social problems, to the terrible reality of many African countries.ÓN/hallan-aguadú-inmigrante-murió-nadando-hacia-melilla.html
The body of a man Saharan possibly illegally attempting to enter our city has come Aguadú Area. A victim of a situation that will not seem to have an end in the near future given the indifference of the developed world, immersed in their own economic and social problems, to the terrible reality of many African countries.ÓN/hallan-aguadú-inmigrante-murió-nadando-hacia-melilla.html
Monday, December 14, 2009
How Fast Do Bladder Tumors Grow
The cavern media strikes again, now go for a tireless fighter for freedom, a freedom fighter, a fighter for the fight of the weak by an alleged video I made the right-wing journalist Herman Tresch (all my wishes early quick recovery, so that locals can enjoy your program) to which a few days later he received a beating, by fascists. The most serious is the interpretation of Madrid President Esperanza Aguirre accusing a decent man of having provoked the beating.
A curious fact is that this reporter did not present any complaint, why? Is the same, here we go again with the same ultra cavern took positions, ready to face the English that we are English. I say proudly: I AM SPANISH AND CATALAN AND SOY SOY SOY EXTREMEÑO MADRID AND ABOVE ALL AND I AM A WORKER, but no English flags, patriotic or obsolete.
Today the media and the public's center-left must take a step forward, united, above our personal interests and media. Today we want to lower our labor rights in the future, no, not going to allow, because we have no moral truth, but whether they boast but they lack.
I arrived today in London and Spain has relocated me sad. Wyoming does not deserve this is happening, no one deserves this, I want to express my unequivocal support for Wyoming and all the people who suffer insults from sites such as Telemadrid, the World, or COPE Onda Cero. Friends who give up for those who have no voice are indebted to you, we disagree is true, but your freedom is our daily bread to rise and keep fighting.
In the corner of the history of this country will be parked are not wet and stay in our memory those who fought for a better country, anonymous or public. Thanks to El Pais Groups, the plural and the SER as the oxygen that allows us to breathe every day, the public believe in you I read and I'm an anonymous face in your life, who select the items (please need only ask let me say to those who want what I feel) who does not select them and reads them to you if you believe in God, as you do if you do not believe in anything, you who get up at 6 am to feed your children or pay the mortgage.
I already go to sleep now, hopefully tomorrow I'll rise again undertake my studies, but take in the hearts and heads of those who do that this is still our little utopia, a small utopia, but a utopia without dogmas. By the way thanks

The cavern media strikes again, now go for a tireless fighter for freedom, a freedom fighter, a fighter for the fight of the weak by an alleged video I made the right-wing journalist Herman Tresch (all my wishes early quick recovery, so that locals can enjoy your program) to which a few days later he received a beating, by fascists. The most serious is the interpretation of Madrid President Esperanza Aguirre accusing a decent man of having provoked the beating.
A curious fact is that this reporter did not present any complaint, why? Is the same, here we go again with the same ultra cavern took positions, ready to face the English that we are English. I say proudly: I AM SPANISH AND CATALAN AND SOY SOY SOY EXTREMEÑO MADRID AND ABOVE ALL AND I AM A WORKER, but no English flags, patriotic or obsolete.
Today the media and the public's center-left must take a step forward, united, above our personal interests and media. Today we want to lower our labor rights in the future, no, not going to allow, because we have no moral truth, but whether they boast but they lack.
I arrived today in London and Spain has relocated me sad. Wyoming does not deserve this is happening, no one deserves this, I want to express my unequivocal support for Wyoming and all the people who suffer insults from sites such as Telemadrid, the World, or COPE Onda Cero. Friends who give up for those who have no voice are indebted to you, we disagree is true, but your freedom is our daily bread to rise and keep fighting.
In the corner of the history of this country will be parked are not wet and stay in our memory those who fought for a better country, anonymous or public. Thanks to El Pais Groups, the plural and the SER as the oxygen that allows us to breathe every day, the public believe in you I read and I'm an anonymous face in your life, who select the items (please need only ask let me say to those who want what I feel) who does not select them and reads them to you if you believe in God, as you do if you do not believe in anything, you who get up at 6 am to feed your children or pay the mortgage.
I already go to sleep now, hopefully tomorrow I'll rise again undertake my studies, but take in the hearts and heads of those who do that this is still our little utopia, a small utopia, but a utopia without dogmas. By the way thanks
Monday, December 7, 2009
Sneakers To Stop Burning In Feet
racist graffiti and Franco APPEARED IN MELILLA. HOLIDAY IN WEST
On December 6, Constitution Day, was marred by the appearance of Franco and racist graffiti daubed on the walls of Melilla la Vieja and Mantelete mosque, attached to these walls and located near the statue of Franco still held in the city.
Although it is a bad symptom onset of Francoist slogans on the day that commemorates the proclamation of the Constitution which came to erase the Franco dictatorship, are absolutely intolerable racist graffiti in a city whose future is in tolerance and coexistence between different cultures, religions and secular ideologies that profess the Melilla.
However, the same day 7 were seen in the press and citizens' collective reactions to this unfortunate incident. According to the newspaper Melilla Today, the Asociación Pro Derechos Human Melilla filed a complaint with the prosecution for these acts. Http:// .
(Photo by Al Sur de Alborán)
Meanwhile, Enrique Delgado "El Faro de Melilla" post a comment on this event at http://www / . Delgado rightly linked the graffiti on the closeness of the statue of Franco: "The maintenance of the statue on our streets sends ultras groups subliminal message that still has some link Melilla or moral debt to the dictator and not only encourages such actions, but also programs like the Follonero "can ridicule the image of our city."
Rapid public reaction to these unspeakable racist graffiti show that the majority of Melilla reject such ideologies, but at the same time, questioning the local government on maintaining the inexplicable position contrary to withdraw from our Street statue of Franco and the monument to July 17, 1936, located on the Avenue and built on the site occupied by the cafeteria that met the most distinguished gathering of progressive and leftist Melilla.
On December 6, Constitution Day, was marred by the appearance of Franco and racist graffiti daubed on the walls of Melilla la Vieja and Mantelete mosque, attached to these walls and located near the statue of Franco still held in the city.
Although it is a bad symptom onset of Francoist slogans on the day that commemorates the proclamation of the Constitution which came to erase the Franco dictatorship, are absolutely intolerable racist graffiti in a city whose future is in tolerance and coexistence between different cultures, religions and secular ideologies that profess the Melilla.
However, the same day 7 were seen in the press and citizens' collective reactions to this unfortunate incident. According to the newspaper Melilla Today, the Asociación Pro Derechos Human Melilla filed a complaint with the prosecution for these acts. Http:// .
(Photo by Al Sur de Alborán)
Meanwhile, Enrique Delgado "El Faro de Melilla" post a comment on this event at http://www / . Delgado rightly linked the graffiti on the closeness of the statue of Franco: "The maintenance of the statue on our streets sends ultras groups subliminal message that still has some link Melilla or moral debt to the dictator and not only encourages such actions, but also programs like the Follonero "can ridicule the image of our city."
Rapid public reaction to these unspeakable racist graffiti show that the majority of Melilla reject such ideologies, but at the same time, questioning the local government on maintaining the inexplicable position contrary to withdraw from our Street statue of Franco and the monument to July 17, 1936, located on the Avenue and built on the site occupied by the cafeteria that met the most distinguished gathering of progressive and leftist Melilla.
Tuesday, December 1, 2009
Connect Two Cy7c63743
A journalistic and political embarrassment
few days ago we were all horrified by the death of a 4 years in Tenerife that had allegedly been raped and abused by the boyfriend of the mother. The girl's parents denied it, but the Guardia Civil, the Hospital, some media and some politicians stopped aside the presumption of innocence, the right image and the right to personal dignity, all rights of way especially in the Constitution.
As I have understood this boy accused of unfairly denounce the hospital, and I hope this is only the first step to take counsel and decides to also report to the Civil Guard and all those means and / or politicians have accused him unfairly.
But while this is happening would not be bad to have people own accord begin to make decisions. For example it would be good that the head of the Hospital who has taken this decision to make accusations without proof to leave immediately, that ABC reinstated the good name of this guy not only publicly in his diary in every state but also responsible for Tenerife gender violence should also leave his position by accusing an innocent man and literally call "disgusting action by a murderer." I see
now that this kid has had to be hospitalized for problems arising from the prosecution and public scorn and humiliation while the cameras see it as taxing encouraged people who were at the gates of the court to insult an innocent man.
This case can not be another case, this should serve the media to reflect, to the people to learn that until a judge does not condemn all of us are innocent, there are types and types of newspapers, you'd better be silent than open your mouth and cause a poor boy is "marked", probably for life.
In short, is an invitation to reflection and above all a reflection to see what kind of society we want; whether the company's Morbidity and Big Brother or society who can wait until things are clear. Reflect.
few days ago we were all horrified by the death of a 4 years in Tenerife that had allegedly been raped and abused by the boyfriend of the mother. The girl's parents denied it, but the Guardia Civil, the Hospital, some media and some politicians stopped aside the presumption of innocence, the right image and the right to personal dignity, all rights of way especially in the Constitution.
As I have understood this boy accused of unfairly denounce the hospital, and I hope this is only the first step to take counsel and decides to also report to the Civil Guard and all those means and / or politicians have accused him unfairly.
But while this is happening would not be bad to have people own accord begin to make decisions. For example it would be good that the head of the Hospital who has taken this decision to make accusations without proof to leave immediately, that ABC reinstated the good name of this guy not only publicly in his diary in every state but also responsible for Tenerife gender violence should also leave his position by accusing an innocent man and literally call "disgusting action by a murderer." I see
now that this kid has had to be hospitalized for problems arising from the prosecution and public scorn and humiliation while the cameras see it as taxing encouraged people who were at the gates of the court to insult an innocent man.
This case can not be another case, this should serve the media to reflect, to the people to learn that until a judge does not condemn all of us are innocent, there are types and types of newspapers, you'd better be silent than open your mouth and cause a poor boy is "marked", probably for life.
In short, is an invitation to reflection and above all a reflection to see what kind of society we want; whether the company's Morbidity and Big Brother or society who can wait until things are clear. Reflect.
Thursday, November 26, 2009
School Paper Recycle Sayings
A Constitutional Court expired and political
The Constitutional Court guarantees of legal rights in this country is looping the loop to the decision on the Statute of Catalonia. People should be clarified that this Court is discredited to issue any ruling and least interest to a Basic Law is essential as the new legal framework for an autonomous endorsed by the citizens of Catalonia, the Parliament and the Parliament.
Those who once said that the Court lacked legitimacy now applaud because they are cynical, because they are hypocrites. That Catalonia is a nation within a state is clear, as are also Galicia, Andalusia and Euskadi. Popular unable to convince the public have opted for something that should not be allowed and the use of a special court with unique characteristics to discredit the popular will of the English people, among whom I include myself and what is even worse a magistrate, who will continue in the future, challenged and a president incapable of making a coherent decision.
The pact between Catalonia and the state is not a bilateral pact, not a transfer of sovereignty, is simply the will of a people who want to remain part of Spain and avoid sovereigntist attempt, as Andalusians. Two similar statutes, only one recourse, other act of cynicism by the government of Aragon and especially by the PP pacta same in all underserved communities in Catalonia, and who do not cheat, is to sow hatred between the English
. Extremadura, Madrid, Cantabria, Murcia, Aragon, Castilian Leonese, Castilian Mancha, Melilla, ceutís, Asturias, Valencia, La Rioja, Galicia, Basque, Andalusia, Navarre I can assure you that should have no fear of this statute, not misled by the prophets who have been announcing the end of the world to ignore those who were told they drank what they pleased and that the government was nothing to prohibit it. DO NOT fall into the unrest, because a federal Spain is necessary, however, if we do not let us give their support to the feet of the horses of those who believe that Catalonia should be independent. So we depend on you and your understanding, because most of us want to continue to enjoy the huge diversity of this country. Please do not give them wings to the soothsayers
The Constitutional Court guarantees of legal rights in this country is looping the loop to the decision on the Statute of Catalonia. People should be clarified that this Court is discredited to issue any ruling and least interest to a Basic Law is essential as the new legal framework for an autonomous endorsed by the citizens of Catalonia, the Parliament and the Parliament.
Those who once said that the Court lacked legitimacy now applaud because they are cynical, because they are hypocrites. That Catalonia is a nation within a state is clear, as are also Galicia, Andalusia and Euskadi. Popular unable to convince the public have opted for something that should not be allowed and the use of a special court with unique characteristics to discredit the popular will of the English people, among whom I include myself and what is even worse a magistrate, who will continue in the future, challenged and a president incapable of making a coherent decision.
The pact between Catalonia and the state is not a bilateral pact, not a transfer of sovereignty, is simply the will of a people who want to remain part of Spain and avoid sovereigntist attempt, as Andalusians. Two similar statutes, only one recourse, other act of cynicism by the government of Aragon and especially by the PP pacta same in all underserved communities in Catalonia, and who do not cheat, is to sow hatred between the English
. Extremadura, Madrid, Cantabria, Murcia, Aragon, Castilian Leonese, Castilian Mancha, Melilla, ceutís, Asturias, Valencia, La Rioja, Galicia, Basque, Andalusia, Navarre I can assure you that should have no fear of this statute, not misled by the prophets who have been announcing the end of the world to ignore those who were told they drank what they pleased and that the government was nothing to prohibit it. DO NOT fall into the unrest, because a federal Spain is necessary, however, if we do not let us give their support to the feet of the horses of those who believe that Catalonia should be independent. So we depend on you and your understanding, because most of us want to continue to enjoy the huge diversity of this country. Please do not give them wings to the soothsayers
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
Teeth Clear On Bottoms And Tops

Following today a conference on education in CNN + organized by the Grupo Santillana I have been stunned when the Minister of Education Ángel Gabilondo out his impressive speech with 43 haiku that are a kind of mini Japanese poems, which I will mention a few because I could not enter them all. A real treat, read and draw conclusions, which probably is the most left-wing minister of the executive.
Please paladéenlos as it takes a good wine and this time instead of goats, relajémonos and analicémoslos they deserve and allow me to capitalize the ones I liked. Here goes:
1. Quality without equality is discrimination
2. It educates by contagion
3. We need another way to understand
5. Training also must be trained
integral 6. Be formed is never stop learning.
9. Education must embrace diversity
10. Parents and guardians share the task of educating
11. Being a teacher is not an activity is a way to make us happy (ironically but accurately added, but do not tell anyone how lucky is often poorly paid)
Monday, November 23, 2009
Washing Machine Philco
Gabilondo Haikus of Unknown and ungrateful relatives of the sailors
Alakrana families of sailors:
Leo with astonishment that a family group of sailors kidnapped off Somalia tuna you have vetoed the press, politicians and the authorities go to greet the freed after 47 days in captivity. This reminded me of an old principle from my homeland, "is well-born to be grateful." You have forgotten to thank the media work for the English public opinion and keep alert and politicians demanding hours of work, dedication and voltage for the release of your family ...
And you, with your attitude, maybe they think it that your children are the political heroes and despicable beings do not deserve to appear next to them ...
Your attitude reminds me arrogant and intolerant as practiced by dictators are dictators who believe over the truth, politics, authority and resources and information.
Soon you have forgotten when you cried for the cameras and rogábais politicians and the authorities do everything they can to make your relatives back.
a pity that instead of being grateful you have despised you who reached out when you asked. If politicians and the media have treated you as you treat them now, most likely nobody would have heard about the kidnapping of your famiiares and nobody would have negotiated her release, however much you say that your release is thanks to your wives.
After your miserable attitude only hope that, for me, sigais still unknown relatives of the sailors ... and add: ungrateful family ....
Alakrana families of sailors:
Leo with astonishment that a family group of sailors kidnapped off Somalia tuna you have vetoed the press, politicians and the authorities go to greet the freed after 47 days in captivity. This reminded me of an old principle from my homeland, "is well-born to be grateful." You have forgotten to thank the media work for the English public opinion and keep alert and politicians demanding hours of work, dedication and voltage for the release of your family ...
And you, with your attitude, maybe they think it that your children are the political heroes and despicable beings do not deserve to appear next to them ...
Your attitude reminds me arrogant and intolerant as practiced by dictators are dictators who believe over the truth, politics, authority and resources and information.
Soon you have forgotten when you cried for the cameras and rogábais politicians and the authorities do everything they can to make your relatives back.
a pity that instead of being grateful you have despised you who reached out when you asked. If politicians and the media have treated you as you treat them now, most likely nobody would have heard about the kidnapping of your famiiares and nobody would have negotiated her release, however much you say that your release is thanks to your wives.
After your miserable attitude only hope that, for me, sigais still unknown relatives of the sailors ... and add: ungrateful family ....
Monday, November 9, 2009
How Does A Green Tree Python Breaths
Wall Fell
Tomorrow November 10 my sister was born 20 years ago, and all day on their front opened in the fall of the Berlin Wall was the beginning of the end of communism, the end of a perverse utopia and the beginning of a nightmare with no ideological opposition. That
November 10 I remember it perfectly, yellow and red car (ironically) announced the birth my step sister and a new world order and seemed to indicate that the births in my family were synonymous with strange happenings. The day of my birth in the Asco nuclear plant in Tarragona, a leak was detected soon after the Chernobyl event. Well
and the reader will care little, but are necessary stories, now let's what matters to us "was so positive the fall of the Berlin Wall? "Gained or lost with the fall of communism? Are we better or worse than then? Succinctly, for that matter.
Obviously the fall of communism was the liberation of an oppressed people, but the consequences were not only positive, it caused a few years after the USSR disintegrated completely, and as we show all the economic and social indicators, inequality increased in a barbaric way. Sure, the supermarkets in the former Soviet Union had been restored to all but only a few could eat, the levels of culture and higher education declined, but had returned to freedom. Well, freedom freedom, no. Russia became another kind of dictatorship, but with the blessing of Western powers, as happened in Belarus, Ukraine and all former Soviet satellites. Has not progressed much, or yes, not for me to give answers.
4 years ago, El Pais published a poll in the former GDR who said that 74% of the inhabitants of the region felt it was necessary to keep some things from the former communist republic, and said it clear: capitalism had brought prosperity , but teaching was not for everyone and culture and was not available to all citizens and unemployment levels were higher. But I say the system was shameful, Marxism had become a substitute called communism.
Meanwhile here in the West did not learn panacea and believed that capitalism was apparently seen and obviously we have not mistaken, I doubt anyone has been a system as evil as communism and that the only viable alternative is a socialist system, ie if one end is capitalism and the other is the midpoint communism is socialism and towards this model we have to manage, because so yes it was true that seeing the other side was better capitalism, but once the other system without capitalism bolted and brought us the worst version that makes it inefficient to meet the needs of the disadvantaged.
Today is a day of discussion to debate whether we have improved or worsened since Bewildered, if necessary, another model, if that wine was better. In short, and let me back into the personal, which only should do in cases like this. Tomorrow we celebrate the fall of a myth, an embarrassment, a perversion or a simple system marred by human greed or because we're ready or because it was a natural. What I do know is that my sister was born that day also marks 20 years, she dropped the wall of shame and I hope you meet 25 and have a fairer system.
PD: No more walls

Tomorrow November 10 my sister was born 20 years ago, and all day on their front opened in the fall of the Berlin Wall was the beginning of the end of communism, the end of a perverse utopia and the beginning of a nightmare with no ideological opposition. That
November 10 I remember it perfectly, yellow and red car (ironically) announced the birth my step sister and a new world order and seemed to indicate that the births in my family were synonymous with strange happenings. The day of my birth in the Asco nuclear plant in Tarragona, a leak was detected soon after the Chernobyl event. Well
and the reader will care little, but are necessary stories, now let's what matters to us "was so positive the fall of the Berlin Wall? "Gained or lost with the fall of communism? Are we better or worse than then? Succinctly, for that matter.
Obviously the fall of communism was the liberation of an oppressed people, but the consequences were not only positive, it caused a few years after the USSR disintegrated completely, and as we show all the economic and social indicators, inequality increased in a barbaric way. Sure, the supermarkets in the former Soviet Union had been restored to all but only a few could eat, the levels of culture and higher education declined, but had returned to freedom. Well, freedom freedom, no. Russia became another kind of dictatorship, but with the blessing of Western powers, as happened in Belarus, Ukraine and all former Soviet satellites. Has not progressed much, or yes, not for me to give answers.
4 years ago, El Pais published a poll in the former GDR who said that 74% of the inhabitants of the region felt it was necessary to keep some things from the former communist republic, and said it clear: capitalism had brought prosperity , but teaching was not for everyone and culture and was not available to all citizens and unemployment levels were higher. But I say the system was shameful, Marxism had become a substitute called communism.
Meanwhile here in the West did not learn panacea and believed that capitalism was apparently seen and obviously we have not mistaken, I doubt anyone has been a system as evil as communism and that the only viable alternative is a socialist system, ie if one end is capitalism and the other is the midpoint communism is socialism and towards this model we have to manage, because so yes it was true that seeing the other side was better capitalism, but once the other system without capitalism bolted and brought us the worst version that makes it inefficient to meet the needs of the disadvantaged.
Today is a day of discussion to debate whether we have improved or worsened since Bewildered, if necessary, another model, if that wine was better. In short, and let me back into the personal, which only should do in cases like this. Tomorrow we celebrate the fall of a myth, an embarrassment, a perversion or a simple system marred by human greed or because we're ready or because it was a natural. What I do know is that my sister was born that day also marks 20 years, she dropped the wall of shame and I hope you meet 25 and have a fairer system.
PD: No more walls
Sunday, November 8, 2009
How To Get Shiny Pokemons In Pokemon Heartgold
The Meteorological Agency in his prediction for Sunday November 8, 2009 storm warning was in the area west of Melilla with winds of force 5 to 6 beginning and raging up 6 to 7, meaning a wind speed of about 35 knots, although it has certainly exceeded regristado gusts to 40 knots.
The Meteorological Agency in his prediction for Sunday November 8, 2009 storm warning was in the area west of Melilla with winds of force 5 to 6 beginning and raging up 6 to 7, meaning a wind speed of about 35 knots, although it has certainly exceeded regristado gusts to 40 knots.
Melilla is located on the eastern side of the peninsula of Tres Forcas, westerly winds rarely trees much sea, but because today the wind was lying to the north, giving more travel to the sea form waves, the situation is complicated somewhat sea. In the above forecast was given a rough sea rough seas in the waters of our city.
Where the wind has been felt strongly was in the beach area and Piazza San Lorenzo.
This strong wind has knocked down some of the trees in the square San Lorenzo
To protect other young trees has been resorted to quite rudimentary but that seems to have worked.
As shown in the picture the system in question does not appear to have been made in a cabinet of Research & Development & Innovation, what they call R & D + I and it is supposed to get us out of the economic crisis.
Where the wind has been felt strongly was in the beach area and Piazza San Lorenzo.
This strong wind has knocked down some of the trees in the square San Lorenzo
To protect other young trees has been resorted to quite rudimentary but that seems to have worked.
As shown in the picture the system in question does not appear to have been made in a cabinet of Research & Development & Innovation, what they call R & D + I and it is supposed to get us out of the economic crisis.
Friday, October 30, 2009
Church Anniversary Invitation
Be Honest: Scam
Again, if this pseudo science, which as noted Maruja Torres on Thursday, is anything but consistent. Reputable analysts and ex-ministers tell us that the government does not control the situation, improvise, as well: What partly to blame have we / as the citizens?
right now in class we were talking about tax evasion, and I'm still amazed when I found that the entire class justifying tax evasion and sought the elimination of inheritance tax, something the latter that seems absolutely preposterous to working people who every day has got to have a house or property, but I think a tax is necessary for large fortunes have been earned legally or doubtful.
normality with which he spoke in my class to defraud tax law stuns me, people who are able to defraud the IRS with twenty or twenty does which creates a very promising future. Their motto is simple: At least contribute better, honest scam. And I'm talking about future jurists, lawyers, prosecutors or judges.
can not head may go in this worldview, how they think they pay hospitals, education, police, or the lion's share of college tuition? With taxes and these taxes should be, undoubtedly, progressive, ie who have more pay more and who have less pay less. Even in a Democratic Party conference in the United States in Barcelona, \u200b\u200bwhich I attended on Wednesday, they were the very American agreement raise taxes in order to choose between private or public health.
For by what you see in Spain is not here "fool the last" save as you can and if you can scam. In these conditions I'm not willing to live if people do not understand that to be the standard of living in Sweden must pay a 46% tax and may not have the modus Vivendis paying 23% now, forget it .
Or better: Be Honest: swindle
Again, if this pseudo science, which as noted Maruja Torres on Thursday, is anything but consistent. Reputable analysts and ex-ministers tell us that the government does not control the situation, improvise, as well: What partly to blame have we / as the citizens?
right now in class we were talking about tax evasion, and I'm still amazed when I found that the entire class justifying tax evasion and sought the elimination of inheritance tax, something the latter that seems absolutely preposterous to working people who every day has got to have a house or property, but I think a tax is necessary for large fortunes have been earned legally or doubtful.
normality with which he spoke in my class to defraud tax law stuns me, people who are able to defraud the IRS with twenty or twenty does which creates a very promising future. Their motto is simple: At least contribute better, honest scam. And I'm talking about future jurists, lawyers, prosecutors or judges.
can not head may go in this worldview, how they think they pay hospitals, education, police, or the lion's share of college tuition? With taxes and these taxes should be, undoubtedly, progressive, ie who have more pay more and who have less pay less. Even in a Democratic Party conference in the United States in Barcelona, \u200b\u200bwhich I attended on Wednesday, they were the very American agreement raise taxes in order to choose between private or public health.
For by what you see in Spain is not here "fool the last" save as you can and if you can scam. In these conditions I'm not willing to live if people do not understand that to be the standard of living in Sweden must pay a 46% tax and may not have the modus Vivendis paying 23% now, forget it .
Or better: Be Honest: swindle
Friday, October 23, 2009
Self Contained Sinks For Hair Salon
This is an old image, about thirty years ago where we can see the channel under the Gold River Highway height Hidum. On the banks of the river we see vegetation, gardens and but I could not see in the picture, at that time the river still held animal life in its waters and shores.
now and despite the tremendous degradation suffered by the environment in the Melilla area, we can still find some of that old image of the river near its mouth.
A small pond where fish and waterfowl found in varying numbers depending on the time of the year who have found a place of refuge.
some time are being carried out renovation work on the river training various areas. Works that are destroying every vestige of vegetation in the areas affected by such works.
After this work is only concrete. Will we lose the little that remains of the former Gold River collapsed under the concrete?.
understand that act on a river whose course runs mostly through another country is difficult, but it seems that in Melilla is raised, even as those things that are said to be good environmental managers, having turned the riverbed in a "green corridor" where they try to preserve something of what defines a river wildlife.

This is an old image, about thirty years ago where we can see the channel under the Gold River Highway height Hidum. On the banks of the river we see vegetation, gardens and but I could not see in the picture, at that time the river still held animal life in its waters and shores.
now and despite the tremendous degradation suffered by the environment in the Melilla area, we can still find some of that old image of the river near its mouth.
A small pond where fish and waterfowl found in varying numbers depending on the time of the year who have found a place of refuge.
both old photos and descriptions of the Golden River has left us the history of our city, always refers to the reeds that grew on its banks and the agricultural use of its plain.
After this work is only concrete. Will we lose the little that remains of the former Gold River collapsed under the concrete?.
understand that act on a river whose course runs mostly through another country is difficult, but it seems that in Melilla is raised, even as those things that are said to be good environmental managers, having turned the riverbed in a "green corridor" where they try to preserve something of what defines a river wildlife.
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
Unlocking Mailbox On T7316e Nortel
In the era of confusion
are times where the left declines your thoughts with other keys. Only thinking about our lives and plans to mark a future without perspective, always looking to the past and imposing as the sole reference false truths left and right.
Much of the contemporary left has lost its values \u200b\u200band has enthroned the value of the price, the commodification of rights. Live desnortada own ideas and lack of feed and endorses the neo-liberalism.
hide dark times we live the dream and utopia, we made our hopelessness and resistance to change, we have lost the illusion of living in a happy world and we just move the selfish desire to keep and accumulate. Be confused with being, value for money, have to share the immediate future ...
poverty, wars, poverty, famine, ecological disasters, violence, ... part of the spectacle of the media that make conscience submissive and uncritical minds. The powerful display
undaunted its filth and excessive greed, the poor are erased from our consciousness, the wars are part of the inevitable, misery and hunger necessary evils; ...
Fortunately nothing is eternal. In the confusion and chaos born a new order, a strong mind and will inevitably be a thing of the past. A not live by a new renaissance and recover the taste for simplicity, the pursuit of happiness of selfishness and contempt.
are times where the left declines your thoughts with other keys. Only thinking about our lives and plans to mark a future without perspective, always looking to the past and imposing as the sole reference false truths left and right.
Much of the contemporary left has lost its values \u200b\u200band has enthroned the value of the price, the commodification of rights. Live desnortada own ideas and lack of feed and endorses the neo-liberalism.
hide dark times we live the dream and utopia, we made our hopelessness and resistance to change, we have lost the illusion of living in a happy world and we just move the selfish desire to keep and accumulate. Be confused with being, value for money, have to share the immediate future ...
poverty, wars, poverty, famine, ecological disasters, violence, ... part of the spectacle of the media that make conscience submissive and uncritical minds. The powerful display
undaunted its filth and excessive greed, the poor are erased from our consciousness, the wars are part of the inevitable, misery and hunger necessary evils; ...
Fortunately nothing is eternal. In the confusion and chaos born a new order, a strong mind and will inevitably be a thing of the past. A not live by a new renaissance and recover the taste for simplicity, the pursuit of happiness of selfishness and contempt.
Saturday, October 3, 2009
Hemoglobin And Valve Replacement
Reagrupament: The nova Lliga Nord
Bé ara Catalunya already has what it needed: a party of extreme right, xenophobic, racist and classist. Clearly this is a great move by the nationalist right out to the progressive government in this time of Catalonia a country is doing better, slowly, but a country that no longer hung and "paint" something in state politics, something radically different to 23 years of government CiU and PP where Catalonia was a victim of the system.
Carter is a dark character, involved in matters of corruption when he was mayor of Puigcerda and has more to do with the Italian Northern League, which as I said is an extreme right party, that the traditional right. It's a game that's intended as C face citizenship as the former Yugoslavia, a party of populist tendency, a party that have depreciated the Catalan surname, in short in both games are now looking to reduce rights for immigrants, the most weak and non-purebred Catalan.
Another aspect is pitiful that a party has extreme right as a guest presenter of the Catalan public television, Miquel Calzada, better known as Miki Moto we pay all of you Catalans. If there is a bit of dignity TV3 cease issuing any program of this gentleman, or imagine that a public television make apology for fascism or any extremist ideology?
And forget the club president that if he would love himself, possible candidate of the extreme right, which is dedicated to make out his driver at half Macià or its dubious morality.
In short, if the law of parties was more consistent in not only outlawed Batasuna, but it should do with the Falange, Democracy 2000, and of course Catalan Unity Rally because otherwise Catalonia as a country leave much be desired.

Bé ara Catalunya already has what it needed: a party of extreme right, xenophobic, racist and classist. Clearly this is a great move by the nationalist right out to the progressive government in this time of Catalonia a country is doing better, slowly, but a country that no longer hung and "paint" something in state politics, something radically different to 23 years of government CiU and PP where Catalonia was a victim of the system.
Carter is a dark character, involved in matters of corruption when he was mayor of Puigcerda and has more to do with the Italian Northern League, which as I said is an extreme right party, that the traditional right. It's a game that's intended as C face citizenship as the former Yugoslavia, a party of populist tendency, a party that have depreciated the Catalan surname, in short in both games are now looking to reduce rights for immigrants, the most weak and non-purebred Catalan.
Another aspect is pitiful that a party has extreme right as a guest presenter of the Catalan public television, Miquel Calzada, better known as Miki Moto we pay all of you Catalans. If there is a bit of dignity TV3 cease issuing any program of this gentleman, or imagine that a public television make apology for fascism or any extremist ideology?
And forget the club president that if he would love himself, possible candidate of the extreme right, which is dedicated to make out his driver at half Macià or its dubious morality.
In short, if the law of parties was more consistent in not only outlawed Batasuna, but it should do with the Falange, Democracy 2000, and of course Catalan Unity Rally because otherwise Catalonia as a country leave much be desired.
Sunday, September 20, 2009
Difrence Beetween Full Board And All Inclusive?
This week you can decide
miss Estoy Como Hago the breathtaking lack of ideas and you decide Proposals about what has to relate my next article
miss Estoy Como Hago the breathtaking lack of ideas and you decide Proposals about what has to relate my next article
Unhanling Exception C0000005
A tragedy happened again so often repeated the sinking of a boat of illegal immigrants who tried to reach the shores of our country. This time we talk about an inflatable boat that capsized in the nearby islet of Parsley and in carrying fifty people, men, women, some of them pregnant and young children. Until Sunday had managed to rescue 11 people alive and recovered from the sea 8 dead, the other occupants of the air are still missing and possibly continue forever swallowed by a sea that thought path to a better future.
I do not question the need to regularize the migration but we can not forget that we must also act against the causes that push these people to emigrate if you do not want to see repeated over and over misfortunes of this kind in our waters.
A tragedy happened again so often repeated the sinking of a boat of illegal immigrants who tried to reach the shores of our country. This time we talk about an inflatable boat that capsized in the nearby islet of Parsley and in carrying fifty people, men, women, some of them pregnant and young children. Until Sunday had managed to rescue 11 people alive and recovered from the sea 8 dead, the other occupants of the air are still missing and possibly continue forever swallowed by a sea that thought path to a better future.
I do not question the need to regularize the migration but we can not forget that we must also act against the causes that push these people to emigrate if you do not want to see repeated over and over misfortunes of this kind in our waters.
Monday, September 14, 2009
Woman Get Sharked On Tape
Basketball Manifestations
Well today I will not talk politics, but basketball, sport, government and the President has been practicing and I hope to continue doing so when it recovers the form that I should never lose. But that is another story.
The English basketball is making a very discreet Europe, not to mention outright bad: a coach who has not lined up the height, not of how he did Pepu, not even the eleventh part as played with Aito in Beijing.
We have a defense that is not a defense (the best defense Greece), a little fluid attacks (The best attack the Serbs), do not press (no selection it too well, except for the Lakovic Slovenia) and especially the coach appears unable to react when things go wrong, it raises some bad defenses and also the limited amount efficiency in three-pointers and free throws in the selection, as is evident we can not blame him, but some players really tired and without the direction given Calderón in office base, which has been replaced Ricky Rubio a stringing too many mistakes, and the selection seems that he has become too big for one so young. Let not your fault, besides the other two bases and López Cabezas fall short than expected.
I sincerely believe in this team on Raul Lopez, Llull, Claver and Mumbrú and missing (apart from Calderon), instead of four, Sergio Rodriguez that lends an air power to the computer when it is in court and a connection Rudy brutal, Sergi Vidal will bring more snaps on to the defense and a greater explosion in the English attack, sure to win Llull over the years but now is too green, Fran Vazquez has curdled a huge season at Barcelona and bring more inner game and intimidation on defense and finally Pau Ribas, pure energy on offense, shooting three and brazenness of Llull lacking. Obviously
Marc Gasol is wrong to throw the blame on Llull by the error in the last shot against Turkey, with a spectacular Ilyasova, when it is obvious that the fault was Scariolo that should probably think very much to gamble with Pau Gasol, no as a guarantee of success (in the European final shot missed the decisive Madrid against Russia), but simply because Gasol is mentally stronger and recover sooner.
Ultimately my predictions, which I hope I'm wrong, are: Slovenia first, second Turkey or Greece, Greece or Turkey and Spain third quarter. Again I hope I'm wrong but this would need a coach selection as Pepu Hernandez, and maybe a new FEB president who is above personal grudges and not dismiss those who made us world champions.
Well today I will not talk politics, but basketball, sport, government and the President has been practicing and I hope to continue doing so when it recovers the form that I should never lose. But that is another story.
The English basketball is making a very discreet Europe, not to mention outright bad: a coach who has not lined up the height, not of how he did Pepu, not even the eleventh part as played with Aito in Beijing.
We have a defense that is not a defense (the best defense Greece), a little fluid attacks (The best attack the Serbs), do not press (no selection it too well, except for the Lakovic Slovenia) and especially the coach appears unable to react when things go wrong, it raises some bad defenses and also the limited amount efficiency in three-pointers and free throws in the selection, as is evident we can not blame him, but some players really tired and without the direction given Calderón in office base, which has been replaced Ricky Rubio a stringing too many mistakes, and the selection seems that he has become too big for one so young. Let not your fault, besides the other two bases and López Cabezas fall short than expected.
I sincerely believe in this team on Raul Lopez, Llull, Claver and Mumbrú and missing (apart from Calderon), instead of four, Sergio Rodriguez that lends an air power to the computer when it is in court and a connection Rudy brutal, Sergi Vidal will bring more snaps on to the defense and a greater explosion in the English attack, sure to win Llull over the years but now is too green, Fran Vazquez has curdled a huge season at Barcelona and bring more inner game and intimidation on defense and finally Pau Ribas, pure energy on offense, shooting three and brazenness of Llull lacking. Obviously
Marc Gasol is wrong to throw the blame on Llull by the error in the last shot against Turkey, with a spectacular Ilyasova, when it is obvious that the fault was Scariolo that should probably think very much to gamble with Pau Gasol, no as a guarantee of success (in the European final shot missed the decisive Madrid against Russia), but simply because Gasol is mentally stronger and recover sooner.
Ultimately my predictions, which I hope I'm wrong, are: Slovenia first, second Turkey or Greece, Greece or Turkey and Spain third quarter. Again I hope I'm wrong but this would need a coach selection as Pepu Hernandez, and maybe a new FEB president who is above personal grudges and not dismiss those who made us world champions.
Thursday, September 10, 2009
Wal Mart Wrangler Jeans
fascists pass in the name of democracy
In the name of democracy, the barbarians, fascists, proclaim freedom they never accepted. The Phalanx has called a demonstration and no one has forbidden to be carried out soon in Arenys de Munt in favor of a supposed unity of Spain. The fascists demand freedom of speech, such that for forty years we refused them all, and even democracy is allowed the luxury of entering the universities where they used chains and beatings to those who beat themselves called "Red."
And here is the dilemma do you have right to demonstrate? Legally think so, but is it moral to let it become obvious that if they can prevent any manifestation? No of course not clear who can not demonstrate as much as the law for protection, those who want to destroy democracy can not afford to demonstrate why they have the right to demonstrate which are the same dogs with different collars, ie The Falange as Batasuna is banned?
Democrats have wrong concept of democracy, believing that those who want to demonstrate on behalf of a misunderstood freedom after them if rule could let us do the same. Not resort to the law of Godwind, but if it is clear that the Nazis won in Germany, using democracy and they destroyed themselves and pursued those who believed it was a perfect system, which unfortunately is not.
is why the Councillor Saura should prohibit, without any fear of the event, or failing that judges act according to law and democracy will not let them receive another blow as hard. Justice must adapt to social realities, should know is stupid to hold a pro-fascist demonstration as to allow an illegal referendum in Arenys. If we allow
they manifest themselves in the background we will be giving a kick where it hurts to democracy, so you decide, democracy itself, but democracy must be prevented in those who have given ample evidence that not only believe in it, if not that when they have been in power have destroyed and killed and killed all those who thought differently to them, but will relapse into the same error? We hope that common sense is above justice, because laws can be changed, but what if they return to rule apply these laws? Think, please.

In the name of democracy, the barbarians, fascists, proclaim freedom they never accepted. The Phalanx has called a demonstration and no one has forbidden to be carried out soon in Arenys de Munt in favor of a supposed unity of Spain. The fascists demand freedom of speech, such that for forty years we refused them all, and even democracy is allowed the luxury of entering the universities where they used chains and beatings to those who beat themselves called "Red."
And here is the dilemma do you have right to demonstrate? Legally think so, but is it moral to let it become obvious that if they can prevent any manifestation? No of course not clear who can not demonstrate as much as the law for protection, those who want to destroy democracy can not afford to demonstrate why they have the right to demonstrate which are the same dogs with different collars, ie The Falange as Batasuna is banned?
Democrats have wrong concept of democracy, believing that those who want to demonstrate on behalf of a misunderstood freedom after them if rule could let us do the same. Not resort to the law of Godwind, but if it is clear that the Nazis won in Germany, using democracy and they destroyed themselves and pursued those who believed it was a perfect system, which unfortunately is not.
is why the Councillor Saura should prohibit, without any fear of the event, or failing that judges act according to law and democracy will not let them receive another blow as hard. Justice must adapt to social realities, should know is stupid to hold a pro-fascist demonstration as to allow an illegal referendum in Arenys. If we allow
they manifest themselves in the background we will be giving a kick where it hurts to democracy, so you decide, democracy itself, but democracy must be prevented in those who have given ample evidence that not only believe in it, if not that when they have been in power have destroyed and killed and killed all those who thought differently to them, but will relapse into the same error? We hope that common sense is above justice, because laws can be changed, but what if they return to rule apply these laws? Think, please.
Tuesday, September 8, 2009
Write Card Someone Who Just Had A Baby
JOSE ANTONIO González Casanova *
The ghost of Paul Joseph Goebbels, whom Hitler appointed by his successor will be encouraged at the sight of any of his hated democracy is in danger and he likes to check whether the application of the 11 principles of propaganda strategy, which ended German democracy. No happy returns always to his beloved personal hell, but has not lacked joy. With the neocons and the Bush ranch junior did not stop clapping excitedly. Too bad about Obama.
I of Spain itself had gone well, but in the end it went from ready Aznar 11-M Goebbels. Luckily Rajoy, Acebes Zaplana and took advantage of a four-year period in its strategy, worthy of a perfect 10 as. Of course, had a tremendous shock for CP congress slated to hear from Rajoy: "We understand the political action from the restraint, dialogue and coexistence." He promised to monitor the PP following the Government's opposition to see if it had betrayed its anti-democratic ideals and forgotten its 11 principles.
penetrated a few days ago, with great ease, at home party central Madrid in the Calle Genova # 13, and there he began to review the secret protocols and press cuttings of recent months, particularly those Some newspapers that have always applied the techniques of propaganda fervor, typical of a classic. The
first two principles are met without fainting. Political rival (PSOE) was still presented as a single principal enemy, personified in one individual: Zapatero.
The third, charged with the same defects and errors that have or make the accuser, applied well, according to the press. ZP offered no solution to the crisis and did not care about their victims, he defended President Camps Valencia because "for lies and slander have to win the decency to Paco ', pressured the judges, thus discrediting the institutions .
The fourth principle, exaggerate or distort any story of rival, however small, as if it were a serious threat, its funny performance made him laugh. Judge Garzón hunting the Minister of Justice was a pretty good trick. What's daughter Chaves Gürtel showed that the plot was nothing compared to the corruption of the father and a sentence to the flight of the vice president became absolutely certain that the attorney general had his orders to appeal against the acquittal by a judge Camps friend of the soul. The fifth recommended
adapt to the low intelligence of the people, including little and forget easily. Here Goebbels gave outstanding Rajoy. How wonderful to proclaim that victory in the European elections will forget the plot Correa corrupt! Clear yes, the populace is oblivious.
A well-known phrase of the sixth principle, a lie repeated a hundred times becomes truth for the masses, was missing, according to Goebbels, more insistently. Lie had changed often. Was much better record on repeating that ZP was complicit in ETA and despised their victims. Should exceed a hundred times.
Before the seventh principle had to acknowledge that its implementation may compensate for the failure of the last, agility bombarded with new charges at a rate that, when the enemy responds, people interested in something else. The illegal wiretapping of the PP had pace: Rajoy girl from the beach, then Arenas Bocanegra González Pons, Trillo and finally Rajoy, insurance at all because, in 1995, Narcis Serra resigned for that reason. Without evidence, but they appear virtually skip a day every other newspapers.
And suddenly, a twist: the PP is not prosecuted for espionage (the leader of Aguirre constant), but with peper accused of corruption, in handcuffs before television cameras. Not bad. By the way is met with silence ninth principle issues in discussion when there are no arguments.
Goebbels saw no need to inquire whether arguments were constructed from various unrelated news (top eight) through the stack of examples provided by newspapers and television addicts. Instead, the application of principles disappointed the last two Teutonic ghost.
Rajoy, to flirt with CiU, and did not encourage the catalanofobia much as before, although attacked for charitable funding for Catalonia and, therefore, did not use the complex traditional hatreds and prejudices that influence primitive mentalities (top tenth). I knew a little way to convince people that think like everyone else, that is, as Rajoy (Principle 11). ZP repeat that cheat, fraud and undermine the English does not ensure that most of them give the hint. But Goebbels left Genoa 13 with the hope that the continuing expansion Correa accused in the plot (more than 100 according to the press) require the PP to be even more faithful to Goebbels for his fame continues to rise since committed suicide to avoid falling into the clutches of the hated democracy.
* Professor of Constitutional Law and essayist
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