I if I go on strike, I am a socialist, and I am of the UGT, I am with Zapatero but I am not submissive Zapatero. I am with this strike because you want to apply these solutions are regressive my government, it is not a trivial issue, because I have to get wet because it is not easy to be critical of your party (which notice and to vote and return on the fight for their ideals to my exhaustion, because the right of this country is terrible)
Dismissal by anticipating future economic péridas that the ETT can hire people who previously could not hire, such as construction workers or the entry of those in the public employment system, among other things in this otherness is large tracts reform.
Where are the taxes on higher incomes, because it eliminated the estate tax, and the Sicav constrol, and the tax on financial transactions, and especially because noses are going to pay for the mess of capitalism tranajadores ? For a socialist government can not sit at the same table for those who want to attack the English economy to benefit
If anyone doubts, it may be necessary to reform the labor market, but this reform is to return to the catacombs. Clearly, if the President wants to take action must begin by changing the production model of this country and that does not happen to cut precisely, investment in R + D + i.
I seconded this strike, for me and my children, for yourself and for your children, for you and our friends, your friends and their children, because union members are just like you and I, with our faults and our virtues. And mainly because that's enough to support this system because this will be an inflection.
I'm going, not afraid to say my peers, I will go because the work does not dignify, I'm going because I know that history can be written by people different from now, I will go because , although that should change this system, a humble worker and I today would not be in college if not for the struggle of other people, because I remember how my grandfather went to work for 7 or 8 years and the employer does not recognized or holidays, I will go because I do not want the fight of my great-uncle is on deaf ears, because I believe in people, knowing that I will not get to make ends meet due to the discount and not go because nostro are to blame for this mess