These days we get hit with a strong easterly storm. The winds from the E and NE force 6 to 7 heavy seas have risen as we see in photographs.
This time is given by the confluence an area of \u200b\u200blow pressure over North Africa and a cold anticyclone over the Iberian Peninsula.
winds associated with these two areas barometer of the anticyclone clockwise and counterclockwise in depression, are united in the Alboran Sea area joining forces which causes the violence of these temporary lift.
The wave resulting from these winds that are positioned as depression and anticyclone can be blown from near the coast of Sardinia (as shown in the sketch home) are created within existing between the coasts the English Levante, Baleares and Sardinia and after travel hundreds of miles high and gaining strength and persistence of the wind, comes to breaking on our shores. Throughout history, the time of NE, which may be accompanied by torrential rains have caused major disasters in the city. A recall the rise from March 1914 to April 1927. In 1914 the storm swept into the sea Titan crane that was used to move blocks with which constuĂa the harbor of our city. In 1927 he lost a large number of vessels in our harbor including the British ship "Collingdale.