Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Mount&blade Warband Fire Arms


These days we get hit with a strong easterly storm. The winds from the E and NE force 6 to 7 heavy seas have risen as we see in photographs.

This time is given by the confluence an area of \u200b\u200blow pressure over North Africa and a cold anticyclone over the Iberian Peninsula.

winds associated with these two areas barometer of the anticyclone clockwise and counterclockwise in depression, are united in the Alboran Sea area joining forces which causes the violence of these temporary lift.

The wave resulting from these winds that are positioned as depression and anticyclone can be blown from near the coast of Sardinia (as shown in the sketch home) are created within existing between the coasts the English Levante, Baleares and Sardinia and after travel hundreds of miles high and gaining strength and persistence of the wind, comes to breaking on our shores. Throughout history, the time of NE, which may be accompanied by torrential rains have caused major disasters in the city. A recall the rise from March 1914 to April 1927. In 1914 the storm swept into the sea Titan crane that was used to move blocks with which constuĂ­a the harbor of our city. In 1927 he lost a large number of vessels in our harbor including the British ship "Collingdale.

The new facilities in the area of \u200b\u200b"The Cut" also were hit wave because this is the most exposed to the release of all our coast.

Sunday, January 17, 2010

How Lace Converse Double


In the depths of winter, in the relative harshness of winter in this blessed area of \u200b\u200bthe Alboran Sea, we are surprised these days of so-called January calm "days it seems that spring to burst forth, and all we are called out for a walk and enjoy the nice weather.


At sea, as shown in the photos, they live day of calm that lead to the boaters and fishing with their boats out while the professionals will have breathed a quiet sigh of relief because the bow voyages.


However, in times of sailing when producing these lulls in the vicinity of the North African coast could mean falling into the hands of pirates Rif, as happened to the schooner "San Jose" in January 1921 issue I discussed in my blog "Tales from the Melilla sailor" to a post of the month of September 2009. Http:// .

(Teaching MELILLA)
To put it in a more scientific, we must say that according to the National Institute of Meteorology, at 00 hours UTC on 17 January 1026 there was an anticyclone over Morocco Algeria and south of the Iberian Peninsula which extended to the Western Mediterranean. For the coastal waters of western Melilladaban 2 to 3 rolando this variable intervals. State of the sea swell.


(dock at the port of Melilla)


Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Lenovo What Is A Battery Part Number

I'm not racist but ... Being left

We have heard this phrase thousands of times, and so far we have not received the attention it deserved, right and left interest because it has always been unable to take positions that please the citizenship and this has led to populism has succeeded, putting fear citizenship, unfortunately misinformed.

This article is about the new pantochada, because it has another name Vic mayor, a city ruled by CiU, PSC i ERC but where the second largest political party is a racist and extreme right, a game similar to Le Pen, the Northern League or the Italian Popular Party Portuguese, and where the mayor recently decided that the CiU has not registered to illegal immigrants. What does this mean? For example, this means that public health may not be that their children could not go to public school, we are ultimately denied basic fundamental rights.

is not a trivial issue, and I decided to make a break in my studies to write this article, for sounding the alarm for warn anyone who'll listen and do not want to be a more ignorant, that immigrants are people, people like you and me, we need them when the economy grows and has rights and duties of course, to be enforced as any other English .

is not true that immigrants receive more aid than the English, the aid is given in terms of household income, and it happens that they are the least income have, speaking in a clear, are the most poorest of the poor. We have used them as cheap labor in Italy have been expelled, humiliated and vilified, here we did the work we refused, "because This work is indecent, "he said. And this catches us by surprise because we all remember the race riots in El Ejido.

Danger, if this is the word danger, great danger, racism is a palpable reality to the left we have to give an output. For example, I am in favor of banning all religious symbols in public places and have expressed my fellow French Socialist Party.

conclude by reminding the mayor Vic has no power to do that nonsense and reminding my colleagues of the PSC should vote against or leave as they should do well the ERC. So I hope that this proposal is rejected and still hope something more: That we are sensible and do not fall into the trap of blaming the least defenses have, because no human being deserves degrading treatment we give to those who come from outside. If even the Vatican newspaper has criticized him, and knowing how is the Church, we must reflect.